Thursday, April 12, 2012

Go Ask Alice

                I would recommend Go Ask Alice to other peers because it keeps you into the book and want to keep reading it. It was a very good book. I would also recommend this because it shows you how this girls life is and how hard it was for her to not do drugs; it’s just like how it is today for teenagers. We are pressured into doing drugs and to sell drugs there are a few teens that can say no and not do it.

                Go Ask Alice taught me that even if you do have a good life you still have your hard times and that’s when it is hard to say no. Her life wasn’t perfect and most kids aren’t; that’s why the book seemed so real it wasn’t made up about some perfect life. It was this girl’s real life and that it was hard for her to have friends. She really didn’t have that many friends until after she moved and came back to the city she lived in and people from her old school pressured her into doing drugs and she felt like they were really good friends but they weren’t and it really showed that’s how people’s lives are and that someone could have a life that is worse than yours.       

                There are people that I know that threw their lives away to drugs. It is really sad to watch them do that and reading this shows you what they go through. Go Ask Alice explains that people make mistakes and that your family is always behind you. If it wasn’t for her family she would have been out on the streets her whole life. Her family always let her come back home and that’s what people should do. Go Ask  Alice explains how her life was and what drugs did to her, I would recommend this book to any teenager to read it and understand what she went through.

Monday, February 27, 2012


I picked Go Ask Alice because when my teacher was talking about it, it sounded very interesting to me. I didn't have an idea of what book I wanted because I wasn't in class the day we talked about it. When she talked about it, i didn't get the full story so I bought the book and read it for the non fiction book.